This is the Trust Equestrian Leather Loose Ring Bradoon Bit.
The leather TRUST bits are particularly suitable for horses with a sensitive mouth. The reason for this is the flexibility of the bit in combination with the taste of the leather. The saliva production softens the leather bit and makes it more pleasant for the horse.
The bits are provided with a core of reinforced nylon. The leather is handstitched around the core and naturally tanned without any chemicals.
In particular highly sensitive mares accept this bit very well.
A loose ring bit is a basic bit with round, loose bit rings.
This bit is accepted by most of the horses because the mouthpiece lays independent of the bit rings. The mouthpiece can be single-, double-jointed or straight and can be made of various materials. The snaffle is soft when the mouthpiece is thick and of soft material. The bit becomes sharper when the mouthpiece gets thinner and the material harder.
A Loose ring snaffle should also be a little wider than any another bits because the bit rings move independently and there must be enough space for the rubber bit guards.
A loose ring snaffle is suitable for many horses and riders. The thinner the bit, the more experienced the horse and rider must be to use this.
This is a bradoon bit, to be used together with a curb.